
来源:深圳湾实验室传染病研究所 发布时间:
2023年8月25日,香港大学微生物学系陈鸿霖教授受邀参加深圳湾实验室传染病研究所系列讲座,并就流感病毒载体的开发与运用这一前沿科学问题作题为“Experience with the NS1 of influenza virus”的报告。报告由传染病研究所特聘研究员郑敏主持,传染病研究所刘洋、陈新海、陈美欣、何桂卫、柳峰特聘研究员等现场参与讨论并与讲者进行了深入交流。



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Professor Chen obtained his PhD in Microbiology from the University of Hong Kong working on Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and continued post-doctoral research on EBV at John Hopkins University School of Medicine.  Upon rejoining the University of Hong Kong in 2003, Professor Chen expanded his research to include RNA viruses such as emerging influenza viruses and coronaviruses. He has since established multiple research programs and platform technologies, with a particular emphasis on the molecular determinants for cross-species transmission of avian influenza viruses and coronaviruses. Professor Chen's research on the influenza virus has led to a series of discoveries on host adaptations, resulting in patents for the development of a unique DelNS1 live attenuated influenza vaccine system. This system has significant potential for the rapid development of vaccines in response to recurring and emerging infectious diseases. In addition to his work on emerging infections, Professor Chen also conducts research on the role of EBV in NPC.

Prof Chen also serves as the Director of the Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory (BSL-3) in the center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the University of Hong Kong.